If you are anything like me, living alone is something you’ve been dreaming of for as long as you can remember. I mean, who wouldn’t want to?
The potential freedom of doing what you want, when you want is what motivates most people to move out in the first place. Having your own place seems like the first step to being a ‘proper adult’.
Not sure if its time to live alone? Read this article — 4 Signs You Need to Move out of Your Parents’ House
You get to stay out all night with no one telling you whether it’s allowed or not, eating whatever you want and so on. You guys get the point, the idea of living alone, in theory, is simply amazing. But just like everything in life, living alone has its drawbacks. So, we decided to put together a list of things that no one tells you about living alone plus real-life experiences from Nigerians.
Groceries & Food are Expensive
If you’re used to adulting from the comfort of your parents’ house you’re in for a rude awakening. Welcome to adulting 2.0 where food & groceries cost anywhere from 50k to 100k monthly. Having to pay for basics like water and toilet paper should be a crime. As the debits for your groceries begin to roll in, you’ll begin questioning the meaning of life and why you decided to live alone in the first place.
It’s Kind of Overrated
I know you probably have big plans to go out everyday and party till the sun rises when you finally live alone but we’re here to tell you that its all a lie. You move into your first apartment and boom, you’re a 75-year-old woman who spends all her free time at home bingeing Netflix. Wondering where all that youthful energy you went? It went to paying BILLS.
It Can Be Lonely
If you aren’t someone who typically does fine on their own, then living alone might actually be your worst nightmare. Because the part they don’t tell you about living alone is that you’ll be lonely. Yes, you can remedy this with inviting your friends here and there but how many times can you really do that? Just get comfortable in your own company cause you’re going to be with yourself A LOT.
Budgeting Can Be Tricky
Living alone is expensive, and that's not an exaggeration. If you’re a newbie to saving and budgeting it can be extremely hard for you. While you might have prepared for covering your rent and bills, you might have forgotten all of the other expenses you’ll now be handling on your own: groceries, laundry detergent, even just a new bed sheet or table if you need it.
Learning to keep yourself from overspending is difficult but here are some tips you can apply to help keep on track— Tips for Managing Income and Saving Money in Nigeria
Just as an added bonus, I decided to ask 5 of my friends who live or have lived alone at some point, what their opinion is about living alone and this was their response;
Chidinma, 25
I really love living alone. I wouldn’t change a thing. Though it can be challenging it gives you time to reflect on yourself which is important to me.
Omsiere, 28
I started living alone at 21 and I must say when you’re on your own like that, you have to be financially sensitive. Saving for your rent is the hardest part. Because you are by yourself you have this sense of responsibility and that can be tough sometimes. You also don’t stay out as late you thought, it’s all a scam.
Isaac, 29
I love living alone. It’s exciting and comfortable. You now have a roof on your head that belongs to you and you can do what you like. Though it certainly comes with its drawbacks, I must say that it is definitely worth it.
Osi, 25
When I think of living alone what comes to mind is bills, bills, bills. You really don’t know how much you spend till you get to that position. There’s rent, feeding, electrical and when you think you’ve finally put together a good budget, little things like ‘pumping machine has spoilt’ comes and spoils everything. Also, have you ever heard about of estate dues? This adulting thing is just ridiculous
Rispha, 25
You have to have money oh, because you’re on your own with no one to help you. The most important benefit of living alone is freedom. You get to do what you want when you want to.
Of course, when you live alone you can basically do whatever you want. My personal opinion is that everyone should try and live alone at least once.
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